African Lake Buffer Pro™ is scientifically formulated to gently raise your KH to the desired levels while also regulating pH to help replicate the aquatic environment of African Lakes. Without the regulation of KH and pH, the pH of your aquarium is far more susceptible to fluctuation which may lead to decreased efficiency of biochemical processes essential to the livelihood of your aquarium inhabitants. This product can be used alongside our African Lake Pro Salt GH™, as temperature in combination with the triad GH, KH and pH, are essential for the quality and longevity of your aquarium.
Suitable for these Freshwater environments:
Malawi | Tanganyika
Recommended levels:
Lake Malawi/Victoria – 4-8dKH & 7.8-8.5pH
Lake Tanganyika – 7-12dKH & 8.5-9.2pH
Deionised Water, Safe KH & pH salts
10mL/100L (26 US gal) will raise aquarium water by 1dKH. When using this product during a water change; only dose for the volume of water change.
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